Sunday, August 26, 2012

catch up.../

So we have been with out wireless internet for a few days, so that is why i havent been blogging! I dont have much time right about to be taken...just kidding, we are about to leave and go out for the day!
so to catch ya'll up....after our cinque terra walk...
The next day we went to see the David statue that Michelangelo made, and it was so much better then i had expected. It was huge!!! and so well crafted, it was so cool to see...not gonna lie though, i had no idea it was David from David and Goliath...but hazzahh thats what it is! After that we went to see the Duomo, which is another church, and we climbed about 450 stairs to get to the top of the building and was able to see all of Florence which was pretty to see. It was so tiring to climb those stairs though...our legs are gonna be jacked when this trip is over, we have climbed sooo many stairs this holiday lol

So after florence we headed to Venice! Venice is a huge couple city lol everyone seemed to be on a honeymoon or at least with a significant other. But it was still so pretty! the first day in Venice we went exploring to go see the San marco and the Rialto..basically a bunch of cool buildings in this square..all the old buildins have so much detail and are made of all different colours of marbel. We also went on a Gondola ride, which was nice, the guy even let us have a go of rowing...i didnt go up because he was super touchy, and that just aint cool! 
The next day we went to Lido beach, and it was so hot!!! we tried to have a game of volleyball, but the sand was so hot that it literally burnt our feet so we had to stop, plus we got kicked off the volleybal court because it was owned by a we swam and tanned! it was a nice relaxing day after a week or so of stressful running around! we went out that night for a nice dinner and to a british themed pub, where we met some really cool spanish people where so much fun!
Sorry that this is a really rushed entry, but i am running short of time! i will come back and edit this and add photos, but for now i must run!
miss you all a lot!

ps sorry for the bad spelling

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